A Doman Reunion
2011 Wall Calendar and Building Bridges: Brocks and Domans, Three Centuries in America
Building Bridges

"Bridges and songs are convenient metaphors. In 1912, Ernest Doman built a bridge across the Potomac River near Steyer, Maryland. It can earnestly be said that this bridge connected the Domans and the Brocks; Maryland and (West) Virginia; North and South; and you and I. 

When a poet was asked what her writing meant, she answered, “The meaning belongs to the reader.” Song is poetry put to music. This collection of songs, in my mind, represents three centuries of struggle and triumph by the many people brought together by the union of Ernest Doman and Edna Brock. 

Three centuries. Life often plays out the same theme, time after time, generation after generation. I believe there is goodness in Our People. Our People have struggled and sacrificed. They have worked hard and taken their good times when they could. They have demonstrated courage. They believe in the Golden Rule. They came without privilege."
A Doman Reunion

A Doman Reunion

Wall Calendar and CD Artwork
